9 to 5 Auditions
For this audition, please prepare 32 bars of a song to sing (about a minute’s worth). Preferably sheet music, hole punched, in a binder. Non-vocal backing tracks are also acceptable. Please plan to be there for 1.5-2 hours. The audition process is time-consuming and we will do our best to stay on schedule.
For questions please contact Cole Butcher, Production Stage Manager, 239-434-7340 ext. 125 or [email protected].
9 to 5
Pushed to the boiling point, three female coworkers concoct a plan to get even with the sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot they call their boss. In a hilarious turn of events, Violet, Judy and Doralee live out their wildest fantasy – giving their boss the boot! While Hart remains “otherwise engaged,” the women give their workplace a dream makeover, taking control of the company that had always kept them down. Hey, a girl can scheme, can’t she?
**Consent & Intimacy Notice** This show depicts sexual harassment, sexism, mild swearing and expressions, and murder plotting. Intimate moments will include unwanted romantic/non-violent male-to-female physical contact, non-violent/non-romantic male-to-male, male-to-female, and female-to-female physical contact. If you have concerns you would like to discuss contact Cole at [email protected]. All questions welcome. Concerns or limitations with any of the above material will not affect your consideration for the roles.
Director/Choreographer: Dawn Lebrecht Fornara
Music Director: Charles Fornara
Stage Manager: Taylor Matthews
Cast [Age on all shows & parts is flexible]: 8 Women (20s-60s), 6 Men (15-60s), Flexible Ensemble
Rehearsal & Performance Schedule: 9 to 5 Conflict Sheet
- VIOLET – (Female, 40s-50s, Range: D5-F3) The company’s Head Secretary and Mr. Hart’s Administrative Assistant, she is a single mother and typically stands up for what she believes in. Attractive, strong, ambitious.
- DORALEE – (Female, 20s-30s, Range: E5-G3) A young spitfire who works at Mr. Hart’s office. She is proof that there is more to a woman than just her looks.
- JUDY – (Female, 30s, Range: F5-Ab3) The “new” girl at the firm, she has been burned by her husband’s affair and is searching for personal empowerment. Insecure, determined, and hopeful..
- FRANKLIN HART – (Male, 45-60s, Range: Gb4-C3) One of the firm’s executives and a notorious chauvinist. He is capable of faking charm but usually shows his true colors as an arrogant, self-absorbed boss.
- ROZ KEITH – (Female, 30s-40s, Range: C5-G3) The attentive office gossip queen and snitch. She has an unrequited love for Mr. Hart and will do anything she can to win his approval.
- JOE – (Male, 25-30s, Range: G4-B2) A handsome, young office accountant. Genuine and nice, and smitten with Violet.
- DWAYNE – (Male, 25-30s, Range: G4-E2) Doralee’s attractive husband. He is very supportive of her professional pursuits.
- JOSH – (Male, 15-18, no range provided) Violet’s awkward teenage son.
- MISSY– (Female, 20s-30s, no range provided) Franklin Hart’s wife, clueless to her husband’s true nature.
- MARIA – (Male, 20s-30s, Range: D5-F4) A young and vibrant secretary in Hart’s office.
- DICK – (Male, 30s-40s, no range provided) Judy’s soon-to-be ex-husband. An average guy, he is sporting a little less hair and a little more paunch than he did ten years ago.
- KATHY – (Female, 30s-40s, Range: D5-G4) A secretary in Hart’s office with a tendency to gossip.
- MARGARET – (Female, 30s-40s, no range provided) A secretary in Hart’s office with a tendency to drink.
- TINSWORTHY – (Male, 50s-70s, no range provided) Franklin Hart’s boss and Chariman of the Board. A good man, who may be wiser to Hart’s ways than he lets on.
Select and reserve an audition slot below:
As time slots fill up, more will be added. If you need to CANCEL or CHANGE your audition time, please contact Cole Butcher, Production Stage Manager, [email protected].
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