Global Wellness Day is June 8, 2019 and The Naples, Marco Island, Everglades Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) is hosting a series of Wellness events throughout the day at different venues throughout the Paradise Coast.
On June 8th, The Naples Players will be offering a complimentary Improv for Wellness class from 9:30 am – 11:30 am upstairs on the 3rd Floor in the Rehearsal Room. In addition, The Spice & Tea Exchange of Naples will also have a special Wellness Tea & Tastings Bar setup on The Baker Stage in Sugden Plaza for all wellness participants.
“The community is at the center of everything we do, and our Wellness Through Theatre program is a perfect example of this pursuit. Through these specialty classes we are not only ensuring that every member of our community has access to the arts, but we are also using the arts in a novel way to make a positive impact on the individuals that we serve,” shares TNP Executive Artistic Director, Bryce Alexander.
Led by industry-leading psychotherapist, Margot Escott LCSW, she explains, “In my over 35 years of practice as a therapist, Improvisation has proven to be the most universally effective tool for achieving wellness I have found. Global Wellness day at TNP is a great opportunity for all ages to experience Improv for Wellness.”
Improv for Wellness is about playing games and having fun. It’s not about being funny or memorizing scripts. The improv games and laughter TNP shares in multi-week classes, have tremendous therapeutic benefits. All are invited to come play in a space that is free of judgment or fear of failure, making it an ideal environment for people who struggle with anxiety or physical impairment. This is a great way for all ages and abilities to let go, laugh, and meet fun friends.
The Naples Players continues to be a leader in the community with skilled theatre therapy classes. There is a Summer Adult Wellness Class, that runs on Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m – 8:30 p.m. from June 19-July 3, 2019. In addition, TNP offers a specialized improv class for students with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) that runs during each of the four summer sessions (Monday-Friday for two weeks at a time) from 5:00 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. Additionally, beginning in mid-September, TNP is also featuring Fall Session Teen Wellness classes, a Wednesday Adult Wellness class, an Improv for Parkinson’s class, and an Improv for ASD Class. For more details or to register, please contact Craig Price, the Director of Education, for details on this impactful program at (239) 434-7340 ext. 103 or