Sarah Treem, writer of the edge-of-your-seat Netflix series House of Cards, created this powerful play about an unassuming, cozy bed and breakfast that moonlights as a battered women’s shelter. Agnes lives on a remote island off the coast of Washington with her 16 year old daughter where she upholds an ironclad set of rules and boundaries to protect her B&B guests and the women she shelters. Set in the 1970’s, the story examines the harsh realities of life before Roe v. Wade, before the Violence Against Women Act, and before women had places to turn in times of distress. Smart and exciting, it will leave you on the edge of your seat with a renewed appreciation of a woman’s rights.
Playwright: Sarah Treem
Sponsored by: Terry Libby & Larry Siegel
Upcoming Shows
The Naples Players
701 5th Avenue South, Naples, Florida 34102
(239) 263-7990
Monday-Saturday: 10am to 7pm
Sunday: CLOSED
*Will-Call & Wait-List opens 2 hours before curtain
(239) 434-7340
Monday-Friday: 10am to 5pm
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