
Beau Jest/Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Auditions

Saturday, 4 October starting at 12p for both shows. This is a group audition, there are no time slots.  Please arrive earlier in the day.  If you must arrive after 2:00p please email Cole Butcher, [email protected] so we know you are coming later.   Auditions are free, and walk-ins are always welcome!
There are no Callbacks for these shows.
Wednesday, 8 October for both shows. Correspondence emails will begin on Friday.  Feedback emails will be provided within two weeks of the auditions.
Auditions will still be held at The Naples Players 701 5th Avenue South, Naples FL 34102.  Check-In will be at the volunteer entrance (by the walkway heading to 5th Ave).

For this audition, please be prepared to cold read the audition sides found at the bottom of the page.  Please plan to be there for 1.5-2 hours.  The audition process is time consuming and we will do our best to stay on schedule.

For questions please contact Cole Butcher, Production Stage Manager, 239-434-7340 ext. 125 or [email protected].


Beau Jest

Sarah is a nice Jewish girl with a problem: her parents want her married to a nice Jewish boy. They have never met her boyfriend, a WASP executive named Chris Kringle. She tells them she is dating a Jewish doctor and they insist on meeting him. She plans a dinner party and, over the heated protests of Chris, employs an escort service to send her a Jewish date to be Dr. Steinberg. Instead, they send Bob Schroeder, an aspiring actor who agrees to perform the impersonation. Happily, he is extremely convincing in the role and Sarah’s parents are enraptured. Soon, even Sarah falls for Bob.

**Consent & Intimacy Notice** This show depicts religious views, and mild swearing and expressions.  Intimate moments will include romantic male-to-female physical contact and non-violent/non-romantic male-to-male, male-to-female, and female-to-female physical contact. If you have concerns you would like to discuss contact Cole at [email protected]. All questions welcome. Concerns or limitations with any of the above material will not affect your consideration for the roles.

Director: TBD
Stage Manager: Kelsey Coss
Cast [Age on all shows & parts is flexible]: 2 women (20s-60s), 4 men (20s-60s)
Rehearsal & Performance Schedule: Beau Jest Conflict Sheet


  • Sarah Goldman – (female, 20s-30s) The Daughter
  • Joel Goldman – (male, 20s-30s) Sarah’s brother
  • Miriam Goldman – (female, 50s-60s) Sarah’s mother
  • Abe Goldman – (male, 50s-60s) Sarah’s father
  • Chris – (male, 20s-30s) Sarah’s boyfriend
  • Bob – (male, 20s-30s) Sarah’s escort
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

*Neuro-diverse individuals are encouraged to audition*

15-year-old Christopher has an extraordinary brain: He is exceptional at mathematics but ill-equipped to interpret everyday life. He has never ventured alone beyond the end of his road, he detests being touched, and he distrusts strangers. Now it is 7 minutes after midnight, and Christopher stands beside his neighbor’s dead dog, Wellington, who has been speared with a garden fork. Finding himself under suspicion, Christopher is determined to solve the mystery of who murdered Wellington, and he carefully records each fact of the crime. But his detective work, forbidden by his father, takes him on a thrilling journey that upturns his world.

**Consent & Intimacy Notice**  This play contains depictions of a neurodivergent individual, potential child abuse, self-harm, animal cruelty, strong language, and sensory overload.  Other intimate moments will include non-violent/non-romantic male-to-male, male-to-female, and female-to-female physical contact.  Consent-forward and best practices intimacy staging will be part of all rehearsals involving these moments.  If you have concerns you would like to discuss, contact Cole at [email protected].  All questions are welcome.  Concerns or limitations with any of the above material will not affect your consideration for the roles. If you have concerns you would like to discuss contact Cole at [email protected]. All questions welcome. Concerns or limitations with any of the above material will not affect your consideration for the roles.

Director: TBD
Stage Manager: Kenzie Currie
Cast: 4 Women (30s-70s), 3 Men (15-60s), Flexible Ensemble
Rehearsal & Performance Schedule: Curious Incident Audition Conflict Sheet


  • CHRISTOPHER JOHN FRANCIS BOONE – (Male, 15) Christopher is mathematically gifted struggles for social acceptance and understanding as a result of his apparent autism. He views the world largely in absolutes, dividing his life experience into a series of extreme likes and dislikes. He feels most comfortable with logic and order, making Wellington’s murder an irresistible puzzle for him to solve.
  • ED BOONE – (Male, 35-55) Single father of Christopher. Father prepares meals for Christopher and sees to his daily needs. Later on, Christopher uncovers elements of his life that he has long tried to keep hidden. Father owns a heating maintenance and boiler repair business.
  • JUDY BOONE – (Female, 35-55) Christopher believes she died of a heart attack prior to the time when the novel begins. Remembered as a loving but impatient and volatile woman, she was at times overwhelmed by the difficulty of caring for her troubled son.
  • EILEEN SHEARS – (Female, 40s-60s) A neighbor of the Boones’s. Eileen Shears is the ex-wife of Roger Shears. Christopher remembers that she would often visit to cook meals and play scrabble in the wake of his mother’s death.  It is her dog, Wellington, which has died.
  • ROGER SHEARS – (Male, 40s-60s) Estranged husband of Eileen Shears. Roger Shears once worked at a bank in town, but moved to London rather suddenly a couple of years ago, leaving Mrs. Shears behind. His mysterious nature leads Christopher to investigate him as a possible suspect in Wellington’s murder.
  • SIOBHAN – (Female, 30s-40s) Christopher’s primary teacher at school. An even-handed mentor, she works to expand Christopher’s horizons socially as well as academically. As a result, she is one of the few people whom Christopher trusts, and in the limited moments when the reader sees her, she mirrors the reader as an observer and commentator on Christopher’s life.
  • MRS. ALEXANDER – (Female, 70+) An elderly resident of Randolph Street. A kind lady, Mrs. Alexander lives a quiet existence filled by caring for her garden and pet dachshund, Ivor. She exhibits grandmotherly tendencies toward Christopher, owing in part to his resemblance to her own grandson. She reveals to Christopher important information about the affairs of Christopher’s father and mother.

Select and reserve an audition slot below:

There are no assigned time slots for play auditions.  If you need to CANCEL your audition time, please contact Cole Butcher, Production Stage Manager, [email protected].

Book Event

Yes, I'm Auditioning!
Available Time Slots: 99
The Yes, I'm Auditioning! ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.


Oct 04 2025


12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


The Naples Players
701 5th Ave. South Naples FL 34102

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    The Naples Players
    701 5th Avenue South, Naples, Florida 34102

    (239) 263-7990

    Monday-Saturday: 10am to 7pm
    Sunday: CLOSED

    *Will-Call & Wait-List opens 2 hours before curtain

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