While some volunteers come to The Naples Players (TNP) seeking to learn something new, others continue pursuing their long-developed passions. After being gifted a sewing machine at age 11, August Volunteer of the Month, Gwen Bettini, has never stopped sewing. 50 years later, Gwen has made a career out of costume design – and she is still expanding upon her art. “I started at TNP a year ago helping with adjustments and alterations, and since then they’ve given me more and more projects and have put a lot of faith in me, which I’m very happy and excited about. It’s been great finding something that’s meaningful for me.”
Since joining TNP in August of 2022, Gwen has volunteered on every production at TNP, even previously working backstage as a dresser. “I just like being here. There’s a great sense of community and camaraderie here. It’s almost like a family,” says Bettini. “If I’m going to do something with my time, I want it to mean something, and here I feel like it does. When I first moved here, I felt like an outsider. This gives me a connection and makes Naples feel more like my home, and I enjoy doing it.”
Gwen spent 11 years working as a school costume designer, and now after a year of volunteering here, she’s been handed the reins to design Laugh, Cry, Pee, Repeat! “I was really surprised when I was given this opportunity. When I first started, I thought ‘maybe they’ll let me sew on a few buttons.’ Now, a year later, I’ll get to design and oversee everything. I’m flattered and so excited to start working on this show. I love volunteering here. I’m really happy, and I’m so glad they’ve given me the chance to design. I look forward to coming in and doing the work I’m given, and love having projects and feeling appreciated.”
Congratulations, Gwen, for all you’ve achieved over the past year, and thank you for all of your hard work in our costume shop and beyond!
We love to get new volunteers into the mix! If you’re new to the area or just new to volunteering at TNP, don’t hesitate to join the fun. Test your skills at the next audition, or contact Pamela Larkin Caruso today at 239-434-7340 ext. 104 to find out what other opportunities there are backstage and front of house.
Call the Box Office at (239) 263-7990, stop by in person during business hours, or buy online 24/7.
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