
Little Women Auditions

Saturday, 2 August starting at 12p. Please pick an audition time below.   Auditions are free, and walk-ins are always welcome!
Sunday, 3 August for LITTLE WOMEN starting at 12p.
Wednesday, 6 August for LITTLE WOMEN. Correspondence emails will begin on Friday.  Feedback emails will be provided within two weeks of the auditions.
Auditions will still be held at The Naples Players 701 5th Avenue South, Naples FL 34102.  Check-In will be at the volunteer entrance (by the walkway heading to 5th Ave)

For this audition, please prepare 32 bars of a song to sing (about a minute’s worth).  Preferably sheet music, hole punched, in a binder.  Non-vocal backing tracks are also acceptable.  Please plan to be there for 1.5-2 hours.  The audition process is time-consuming and we will do our best to stay on schedule.

TNP will not be providing dance shoes for the Dance Call.

For questions please contact Cole Butcher, Production Stage Manager, 239-434-7340 ext. 125 or [email protected].


Little Women

Based on Louisa May Alcott’s life, Little Women follows the adventures of sisters, Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy March. Jo is trying to sell her stories for publication, but the publishers are not interested – her friend, Professor Bhaer, tells her that she has to do better and write more from herself. Begrudgingly taking this advice, Jo weaves the story of herself and her sisters and their experience growing up in Civil War America.

**Consent & Intimacy Notice** Though a period show, there may be moments of intimacy which could include non-violent/romantic and non-violent/non-romantic physical contact between male and female, male to male, and female to female.  If you have concerns you would like to discuss contact Cole at [email protected]. All questions welcome. Concerns or limitations with any of the above material will not affect your consideration for the roles.

Director/Choreographer: Dawn Lebrecht Fornara
Music Director: Charles Fornara
Stage Manager: Patricia Puia
Cast [Age on all shows & parts is flexible]: 6 Women (14-60s), 4 Men (18-60s), Flexible Ensemble
Rehearsal & Performance Schedule: Little Women Conflict Sheet


  • JO MARCH – (Female, 18-23, Range: A5-E3) Our story’s protagonist. Passionate, adventurous, and brave. She has the idea of writing Little Women and eventually becomes engaged to Professor Bhaer.
  • PROFESSOR BHAER – (Male, 35-45, Range: F#4-G2) German Professor who exemplifies proper manners. He is a boarder in Mrs. Kirk’s boarding house and eventually falls in love with Jo.
  • AMY MARCH – (Female, 14-18, Range: Gb2- -1) The youngest, most energetic sister with a rather pompous air about her. She later marries Laurie.
  • MEG MARCH – (Female, 21-25, Range: Gb5-A#3) The world-weary, yet hopeful, oldest sister who yearns for a great life. She marries John and has twins with him. Can double as Clarissa.
  • BETH MARCH – (Female, 17-21, Range: G5-A3) The second youngest sister who tragically dies of Scarlet Fever. Peace-maker, lover, and an optimist who is always encouraging her sisters to dream.
  • MARMEE MARCH – (Female, 45-60, Range: Eb5-Eb3) The girls’ mother. She is the strong backbone of the family, who is courageous in spite of the difficult odds she faces.
  • MR. LAURENCE – (Male, 40-55, no range provided) Laurie’s father.
  • LAURIE LAURENCE – (Male, 18-23, Range: Bb4-Bb2)
    The bright-eyed boy-next-door with considerable charm. He loves Jo but later falls in love with Amy.
  • AUNT MARCH – (Female, 45-60, Range: F5-E3) A formidable, over-bearing matron and great-aunt to the March sisters. The wealthy socialite in town.
  • MR. JOHN BROOKE – (Male, 30s-40s, Range: F#4-C3#)
    Laurie’s tutor and a rather stiff man; shows very little emotion. He later marries Meg and changes.

Select and reserve an audition slot below:

As time slots fill up, more will be added.  If you need to CANCEL or CHANGE your audition time, please contact Cole Butcher, Production Stage Manager, [email protected].

Book Event


Audition Time Slot #1

Available Time Slots: 8
The 12:00p-12:30p ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.

Audition Time Slot #2

Available Time Slots: 8
The 12:30p-1:00p ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.

Audition Time Slot #3

Available Time Slots: 9
The 1:15p-1:45p ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.

Audition Time Slot #4

Available Time Slots: 10
The 2:00p-2:30p ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.

Audition Time Slot #5

Available Time Slots: 9
The 2:45p-3:15p ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.


Aug 02 2025


12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


The Naples Players
701 5th Ave. South Naples FL 34102

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    The Naples Players
    701 5th Avenue South, Naples, Florida 34102

    (239) 263-7990

    Monday-Saturday: 10am to 7pm
    Sunday: CLOSED

    *Will-Call & Wait-List opens 2 hours before curtain

    Main OFFICE

    (239) 434-7340
    Monday-Friday: 10am to 5pm

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