In 1912, amid a personal scandal, accomplished scientist and Nobel Prize winner, Marie Curie, finds solace at the seaside home of a fellow female colleague. This new work from Lauren Gunderson revels in the power of two fearless female scientists at the heights and depths of their careers and lives.
Join us for a sidesplitting journey as a group of earnest actors attempts to stage a classic murder mystery, only to find themselves entangled in a web of missteps and unexpected disasters. Brace yourself for a night where everything can go wrong, does – in the most hilarious way possible!
This timeless and captivating musical takes you on an epic adventure alongside the indomitablendreamer, Don Quixote. With a score that will tug at your heartstrings and a tale that inspires the dreamer in us all, Man of La Mancha delivers a poignant and uplifting theatrical experience.
Join young Ralphie Parker on his quest for the ultimate Christmas gift, as he encounters eccentric characters, challenges, and unexpected joy along the way. This beloved tale captures the spirit of the season with humor, warmth, and timeless charm that resonates with audiences of all ages.
Arthur Miller’s award-winning classic portrays the struggles of Willy Loman, a salesman grappling with fading success, strained relationships, and the consequences of chasing an elusive dream. The play delves into timeless themes of identity, disillusionment, and the high cost of societal expectations.