Leave a Legacy That Will Last Forever
Supporters who have a passion for the arts, for community based theater, and The Naples Players can ensure that their love of the arts will live on for generations to come. A pre-planned legacy gift is one of the best routes for leaving a long term impact at The Naples Players (TNP). Legacy giving provides a level of support that magnifies our ability to fulfill our mission in the future, but it also multiplies your personal satisfaction and recognition today.
One of the best things about legacy gifts is that they don’t impact your current lifestyle or your family’s financial security – and can be done in honor of you, your family, or a loved one.
If you have already included TNP in your estate plans, please let us know! We would like to show our appreciation during your lifetime, and ensure your intentions are honored.
Legacy Society Benefits
- Permanent inclusion on The Naples Players Legacy Society register prominently displayed in the theater lobby; with Founding Members listed first.
- An invitation to an annual dinner with the Artistic Director, performers, and board members exclusively held for members of The Naples Players Legacy Society.
- Special recognition in TNP Playbills, website, annual reports, and e-mails throughout the year.
- A special thank you gift, specifically for theater lovers.
A Gift Anyone Can Afford
A Planned Gift...
- Doesn’t cost you anything in your lifetime.
- Leaves your cash flow and current financial planning unchanged, increasing your ability to make a significant gift to The Naples Players.
- Allows you to eliminate income tax on your required IRA annual charitable distribution (If you are 70 ½ or older).
- Reduces future gift and estate taxes.
- Can be stock, appreciated securities, life insurance, or property instead of cash.
- Can allow you to create a new life insurance policy, or donate a paid-up policy of coverage you no longer need.
Popular Ways to Give
Make a Bequest
Also known as estate giving or planned giving, you would simply name The Naples Players in your will. A bequest can take the form of…
- A percentage of the donor’s estate
- A fixed dollar amount from the estate
- As a residual amount or percentage after other beneficiaries have been provided with their gifts.
Add a Beneficiary to Your Life Insurance
Name The Naples Players as a partial or primary beneficiary of a policy. Either one is exempt from federal estate tax.
Add a Beneficiary to Your Retirement Plan
This would include a pension plan, 401k accounts, or an IRA. If you are 70 1/2 or older, you are required to take minimum distributions from your IRA account every year. You can make a qualified charitable distribution up to $100,000 tax free.
Appreciated Securities
Stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other securities can be an attractive option for planned giving and offer special tax benefits. Congress has provided that you can deduct the full value of such gifts including any amount that would be owed in capital gains tax if sold.
Bank and Investment Accounts
In many states, it is possible to specify that whatever remains in bank accounts becomes a charitable gift that will pass free of estate tax and outside the probate process. This can be accomplished by filling out a simple change of beneficiary form.
Real Estate
Properties such as houses, farms, vacation homes, office buildings, undeveloped land, and rental property are common choices.
Tangible Personal Property
This would include automobiles, artwork, or other personal property.
Intellectual Property
This would be an intangible asset that refers to “creations of the mind” such as inventions, patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, artworks, musical compositions, and other similar or related property rights.

TNP Legacy Society
Thank you to these Legacy Circle Donors and to those who have asked their gifts and intentions to remain anonymous.
Our Legacy Society Founding Members
Click a name below to learn about their story and their gift to TNP:
Roger F. Clark
Robert W. “Bob” Hill
Charlie & Peg Pleasance
Janine Rees
Frances Lester
TNP Legacy Society
Next Steps…
Be sure to discuss all legacy options with your loved ones and please note that TNP does not render tax or legal advice. Please discuss your options with a lawyer, CPA, and/or financial advisor.
If you decide to include TNP in your estate planning, please complete and return our Confidential Legacy Society Intent Form so we can properly recognize you for your generosity and welcome you to The Naples Players Legacy Society.
Support Today!
The Naples Players
701 5th Avenue South, Naples, Florida 34102
(239) 263-7990
Monday-Saturday: 10am to 7pm
Sunday: CLOSED
*Will-Call & Wait-List opens 2 hours before curtain
(239) 434-7340
Monday-Friday: 10am to 5pm
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