A new comedy, by Jerry Rannow, follows Della Michaelson as she gets sucked into a romping fantasy with her favorite soap opera stars. Della and her husband, Mitch, are in a lull in their marriage and no matter what they try to spice it up, the spark is just not there. At least, not until her two favorite soap opera actors pop out of the television and take things into their own hands. Through twists and turns, mistaken identities, and a little day dreaming Della and Mitch find their way back to a happy marriage. Goofy characters, bizarre situations. Guaranteed to jump-start your funny bone!
Tickets: $25
Location: 701 5th Ave S
Upcoming Shows
The Naples Players
701 5th Avenue South, Naples, Florida 34102
(239) 263-7990
Monday-Saturday: 10am to 7pm
Sunday: CLOSED
*Will-Call & Wait-List opens 2 hours before curtain
(239) 434-7340
Monday-Friday: 10am to 5pm
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